Project Code C-A2S7 EVO-35 the narrative

"the second Life of a race car"

Original Features

Based on

Cooper MK1 Morris code C-A2S7  1966

Original Engine


From calm to storm!

Converted in a race car with a swap engine Cooper S 1275cm3
equiped with roll bar, race seats, engine tuning, track tires
Passport FIA

Hunting Table

Engaged in various competitions and historic trophy. Above seen in Magny cours drived by Thierry Guippe
Retired in 2009. Owned by Ocean Classic Drive Biarritz since 2013

Final Features

50 HP / 100KM

7H charging

Our Goal

At our workshop Ocean Classic Drive in  Biarritz we are motivated by uncommon challenges, and we do'nt mind deviate a stock classic car in a non usual daily car. Our goal is not to keep our classic cars in a museum, but to turn them on the road again. A racing car is for racers, and we are not. So apart renting the car in this goal, we thought that this fact would have required to downsize the cooper to a civil use, and that would have deleted its past Race Life. So to preserve this history, capacities and a daily use, we decided in a mecanical way to pay tribute to 2 major inventors forgotten today...and no matter what conservatives can say... (next issue mi 2020)

Swap Time

The challenge to retrofit the car

Tell us a story

Beyond the technical challenge, this project is for us the opportunity to write a story by mixing past and actual human times. A dream to enable meeting between original past creators and the use of their invention to day in our modern life. So the car is a glance to these enthusiasts who believe in something stronger than everything else and who dedicates their life to it. Take photos and share on social medias, because from where they are, sure they would appreciate.

Code Decoded

Why titling C-A2S7 EVO 35?
C-A2S7 is the identification of this car made by BMC - the old world but the basic frame for this new project!
EVO 35 is the resulting cooper in our actual world: EVO for evolution and 35 in reference  to  our idol the New Zealand motorcycle racer Burt Munroe, who was riding a 47-year-old machine when he set his last record. 1966 + 47 = 2013 the year we got the car.

The "virtual pilots"

Nothing would have been possible without 2 major italian pioneers, Alessandro Volta &  Galileo Ferraris. One has invented the electric battery in 1799, the 2nd one is the inventor of  induction motor and power transmission systems. We imagine their enthusiasm to test in that way their works. We dream to imagine that their spectrum live in the car... Ironically, Ferraris wear the same name (1 letter apart) as the notorious car maker which owes its renown to atmo engines. But when you look for Ferraris on google search, you find Enzo!

? No reference on the car to:

Nikola Tesla... Huge glory days for him now with Elon Musk adventure! Tesla was contemporary with Ferraris, but as a typical American he showed a good nose in 1888  with filing a patent for the induction motor, while Ferraris was publishing his decoveries in the same time. Don't believe that Nikola Tesla was an opportunist, in fact he was rather pragmatic and visionnary on industrials applications unlike Ferraris. He fight a long part of his life with big US companies, and finally as numerous of creators he died  in poverty in 1943, at the age of 86 , alone in an hotel's room.

Allessandro Volta, Inventor
“too soon...”
Galileo Ferraris, Inventor
“I said.”
Nikola Tesla, Reborn


coordinator and car's owner
body and interior  restoration + rebuild & customization
Campy Camper Biarritz
A division of Ocean Classic Drive
campervans conversion &more

electric swap conversion "global project" designer
& prototype maker

@ocean classic drive, Biarritz
Electric motor supplier & battery designer for electric cars (bms,evc,software...)

Ian Motion
"24H Lane" Le Mans
French & GB parts provider specialized in Mini


Contact Us

. We are now in the 2nd part with a french Street legal homologated version in the pipe. After that we'll produce a limited mini e-series on sell and we'll start the conversion for mini owners.
If you are interested by this project you can join us in Biarritz

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